In my 20s I suffered from cystic acne and the only face wash that helped keep it under control I somehow lost track of. I guess the stores I bought it from stopped carrying it? Anyway, I had remembered it being called "Alpha Hydrox" and it came in a white bottle with red writing. Fast forward to me at 47 and having some old issues coming back as well as other aging issues... One day I was scrolling through my FB feed and an add pops up. I look at the bottle and thought "that's the same style bottle as what I used to use and the name is very similar to what I remember!?"
I placed an order for the face wash, body wash and body lotion. After the first use I am absolutely convinced that I found my old miracle product!! I have been using them for about a week and a half now and am noticing significant improvement in some areas that were really bothering me. The dry bumpy skin on the back of my arms is disappearing and the cysts I am dealing with are significantly smaller. I could cry (tears of joy of course!). I will definitely not lose track of this product again!!